The autumn colours are here again and although summer, which has been great this year, is drawing to a close I appreciate the changing appearance of the world around us. I look out of my office window to Oak trees with the changing leaves from green to gold and a beautiful Rowan Tree with vibrant red berries that look like a Christmas decoration, by contrast the tree alongside is a White Beam with pale green leaves turning to a pale, peachy gold.
Looking out at this changing scene makes me think that Christmas will soon be the next major decoration season and apart from Halloween and Bonfire Night we often forget about any form home decoration to celebrate the autumn season. Of course there is the Harvest festival, which I remember well from my childhood links to the Church and my years in teaching younger pupils centred on Harvest, now it doesn’t touch many areas of the British culture.
[caption id="attachment_2857" align="alignright" width="300"] Autumn Wreath © 320 Sycamore[/caption]
I recently saw a unique way to decorate a front door for autumn (Fall) in the form of a wreath made from dried wheat coloured with metallic paints in three sections using gold, copper and brass, the wheat was then wrapped around a wreath base and secured with, the ever versatile, hot glue, a welcome label was also attached. Another option, with a Halloween theme, was a wreath constructed using very small pumpkins onto a mossy base, which sounds odd but looked very effective.
Many of us decorate our external doors at Christmas and fix balloons for parties, seeing these decorative door ideas from the USA made me realise that we can decorate our entrance doors throughout the year to celebrate anything. The front door is our place of welcome to friends and visitors, we can use our entrance doors to say something about us and our family at all times of the year.
I’m going to have an experiment with temporary door decorations, maybe I’ll try them out on the doors in Doorsan showroom, watch this space in the future.