I have written about safety and security in relation to your doors previously, however, this is a slightly different angle inspired by the latest version of our local Neighbourhood Watch newsletter that we received through the door this evening.
The newsletter points out that there is always an increase in burglaries and street crimes as the warmer weather kicks in. One of the classic tricks is for burglars to target your home whilst you are in the back garden having a barbecue or gardening. A good, solid external, timber door with 5 Lever lock system and with the addition of a night latch is a good idea. Always be careful when in and out of the garage as there is a temptation to leave the garage door exposed and wide open in a way we would never leave the house door. We typically have a number of expensive items in the garage including bikes, tools and gardening equipment that can be attractive to the opportunistic thief. Even when doing jobs close to the garage, it always makes sense to lock the door. It is easy to get distracted or drawn into something else and it doesn't take long to steal a bike and disappear unnoticed.
Doors are not the only things to worry about. Many people leave their windows open and then go out. This can be easy to spot and an encouraging invite to a burglar.
Leaving valuables on show is something many of us do without thinking. Car keys and door keys should always be well out of sight and out of reach. Burglars are increasingly targeting homes for the car keys in order to steal and sell on the vehicle. Expensive gadgets such as tablets, laptops and mobile phones should always be hidden away to avoid tempting a burglar in.
I appreciate that we all know the basics to avoid the burglars; it's just a good reminder not to get complacent and put ourselves at risk.