Its interesting to find out why people make changes to their properties. Working in the architectural and interior design industry for many years I have come across so many different reasons for redecoration and renovations.
Purchasing a new property, whether a new build or an older property, is a prime reason for a full renovation. As a species we need to put our own stamp on our environment regardless of whether we are happy with the decor we inherit, even if with only the addition of a painted wall or a new wallpaper.
I am so pleased that wallpaper is now back in fashion. I worked for a while in a branch of the wallpaper industry which was primarily aimed at the contract market. At this time wallpaper was slightly out of fashion for domestic interiors as some great paints in exciting new colours had come onto the market. However the contract market, particularly for hotels, was buoyant due to the protection that wallpaper gives to walls, something which is often forgotten when choosing to paint a wall. Recent innovations and great designs have now made wallpaper a trending item. If designs are used in clever ways a wallpaper can really enhance an interior.
As a budding Interior designer aged 12 (yes I started early) I had permission from my parents to redecorate my bedroom. Funds were limited and I remember choosing a wallpaper pattern in grey with deep red and lime green images of rock-n-roll dancers as it was the 60’s, probably hideous now but I thought it was great at the time. But the most distressing memory of this was what I did with the bedroom side of the lovely Victorian, original, 4 panelled pine doors. I painted them Lime Green then covered the inner panels of the door with a cherry red, padded and quilted PVC fabric generally used for covering chairs. It was useful as I could pin notes and other valuable mementos of my youth onto the door but I do remember when my tastes had changed that it was a challenge to remove this material ready for a more conventional paint finish. Oh well there is no accounting for the tastes of a teenager and it was a great learning curve for me.
Victorian style 4 panel Pine doors are still one of Doorsan best sellers, I wonder how many are given a unique treatment like my bedroom door.