At Doorsan we are in the business of helping our customers in their search to find just the right doors for their needs. This was uppermost in my mind as I recently came upon a box I was storing for my daughter. During her teenage years one of her collecting passions was a series of pottery collectables called Just the Right Shoe. I had forgotten about them and seeing them again got me thinking about why they were so popular. I did a search on the Internet and saw that they are still popular and the range has developed further into some rather amazing designs. I suppose most of us have a collecting gene and if its shoes that you are interested in these collectables satisfy a certain need and they are very pretty. Surprisingly, the prices for these mini-collectables are often similar to a real pair of low priced ladies shoes.
[caption id="attachment_3350" align="alignright" width="300"] Fairy Door © Madtown Macs[/caption]
As a nation we do seem to be obsessed by miniature versions of everyday products. I don’t think this is gender related, as dolls houses with dolls house doors and furnishings are still as popular as model aircraft, cars and the like.
When looking at antique furniture I have often seen miniature versions of wooden furniture, made perfect in every detail, with drawers and cupboards which really open. These pieces are usually Salesman’s Samples, made small and portable in order to show customers the various designs long before large stores exhibited artisan’s products. Often, these small items of furniture were Apprentice Pieces, made by aspiring trainee furniture makers to show their ability and progress.
Of course I had to do a search for miniature doors while composing this Blog and found little information apart from miniature Fairy Doors, another product new to me (its amazing what I discover while writing my Blog). These miniature collectables seem to be a USA favourite and can be purchased in the UK for under £10.00 Designs vary from mushrooms to Gothic style doors. But I did find a few articles on how to make a Fairy Door.