When is a door not a door? When it's ajar...
I always hated that "joke", however in this blog I'd like to take a slight departure from reality and explore what other uses a door might have besides being a door. I was involved in a brain storming session recently and it gave me the inspiration to think about using things in a different way.
Once you get going with a brainstorming session it's surprising just how many ideas you can come up with since no one can question your idea no matter how strange it may seem. I'll save you from most of the ideas but thought I'd like to share a few with you.
When is a door not a door?
When it's a raft! There you are stuck on a desert island thinking you'll be lost forever when you find a wooden door floating by. You jump on the raft and off you go paddling back to civilisation.
When it's a train track. Bear with me here, I have one of these! My parents made my brother an N gauge model railway complete with hills, tunnels trees using two, flush style, wooden doors as the base. The board used to be hung from the wall on hooks and chains and secured with a large hinge so it could lay flat at desk height when in use. Why I'm storing it in my garage is another story!
When it's a table. I can remember my dad using old wooden doors on bonfire night as tables. He'd lay them across two old barrels. We put all the bonfire toffee and pie and peas onto one makeshift table and the fireworks and sand and buckets of water would be on another. We always said that at the end of the night we'd use the doors as firewood and every year we always put them back in the garage for next year as they didn't seem quite "used up" yet. We had two doors that must have lasted 20 years, in fact my dad probably still has them somewhere.
So if you're thinking of replacing those old wooden doors think twice about what useful purpose they could still have in and around your home and garden before just consigning them to the tip.